How do workspaces improve business profitability in times of COVID-19?

13 September, 2021

Establishing the right strategy in order to cut expenses in a company is a great challenge in the midst of a new reality that must continue to advance in the face of the new normal.

Gran Via Business & Meeting Center, a business center in Barcelona where a large number of companies are housed, has been able to observe the most important aspects in economic management corporations apply to face any scenario, as long as their businesses have the ability to overcome any obstacle or difficulty, even financial ones. Therefore, their team wants to share a series of recommendations for the benefit of any interested party.

How does global economy affect businesses?

The world economy is sensitive to several indicators, and recently, with the COVID-19 pandemic, is also part of the events that influence the behavior of international markets.

Obviously, no company is unaware to these events that rule the world economy. But how do these events affect a business? In sections such as the price of basic services (electricity, water and internet); the rise of salaries established by law, the production of materials and their availability in the market…

Therefore, it is essential to know how to reduce the operating expenses of a company, which can be divided into five points:

Reducing the operating expenses of your company: From an adequate logistics that has higher performance, to the conscious savings of all staff.

Carefully analyzing all costs: It must be known how much a company spends, what is invested in and the times when these expenses are invoiced.

Adapting the payment terms of the expenses of a company, if the conditions to settle debts with suppliers can be improved, or in what services it is possible to negotiate an extension of the payment date.

Generating a culture of saving throughout the company: It is paramount to involve every employee in the process of reducing costs. If the whole team helps creating the plan and acts in line with the savings goals, the outcomes will be exponential.

Adopting a management system: it will help tracking economic indicators and cutting back expenses.

The Flexible Office as a better option: While virtual meetings are an excellent alternative to replace some business appointments, other meetings must take place face to face. For these occasions, Gran Via BCprovides many modalities that will get a workspace with the best conditions to work.

An example of this is the new Business Club space, an environment focused on providing an offer of flexible workspaces which are designed to serve companies and entrepreneurs, international delegations, as well as local representatives.

Comfortable, flexible workspaces equipped with every tool needed to maximize the productivity of meetings and daily work, either with clients or the team, as well as the option of optimizing operating expenses with services adaptable to every need and budget.

Working in a workspace like the one we just described allows to have a versatile and adequate space where we can sometimes work and some other times relax and clear up. It is the perfect combination for those who are looking for a way to cut expenses, but entailing an extra in attention and benefits at the end of the month.

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