Operation ‘Back to Office’: Workspace features for a successful return to the office

31 May, 2021

With companies planning the return of their workers in the face of greater openness, there is an urgent need to resolve the productivity debate on the hybrid format that combines face-to-face and remote working.

Fighting the pandemic has meant that the vast majority of workers have taken the decision to isolate themselves at home to keep families, colleagues and clients safe. This has led to stress and other issues affecting the mental health of many people who, thanks to health protocols and the vaccination process, are now in the process of progressively returning to the workplace safely. The challenge now will be whether they have understood and adapted correctly ‘what’ has been missing from the telework model, in order to find a suitable workspace for a successful return.

According to a recent study, since the start of the pandemic, remote working has seen a 50% drop in productivity. This may be due to increased working hours and isolation, which has negative consequences for workers.

It should be clear that human beings are social by nature: if they are separated from the group, their productivity can be affected instead of improved. Working from home disconnects employees from the company and the corporate culture. This will prevent the sharing of team language and ‘rituals’ and will affect everyone’s learning and mental health. This leads to increased stress and a lack of empathy for others.

Working in an office or face-to-face environment greatly improves the way people deal with each other, as face-to-face work allows for both verbal and non-verbal communication. This positively influences empathy towards others and helps to create a bond of trust between co-workers. Similarly, the risk of procrastination decreases, because there is greater respect for the time and work of others.

To better explain the key points to take into account, Gran Via Business & Meeting Center, a professional workspace located in the heart of Barcelona, wanted to make reference to the basic points to be able to correctly resume this return to normality:

Key requirements for success in a business centre

Security: Image is not everything and right now working in a safe place. It is the most important thing to keep your staff, suppliers and customers at ease. Working in such a business centre will be decisive for a business to prosper and stand out in this new working situation.

Centrally located: If one of the problems has been the lack of movement in teleworking models, the fact that a workspace is centrally located is a great advantage. Although it is possible to go out with the necessary precautions, it gives greater peace of mind that it is close to means of transport and that it has easy parking facilities nearby.

Flexible: Flexibility has to be applied in terms of time and space, as you will need to be able to offer facilities for team collaboration, time alone or the facility to hire a meeting room when a client conference arises. This will not only support productivity and problem solving, but the happiness and comfort of everyone.

Services: The fact that a workspace offers multiple services both inside and outside the premises will be a decisive plus. Such a business centre will allow you to have everything at hand to make it easier to get back to work. The users of the centre will appreciate being able to leave the office at intervals of time that they do not have to invest in transfers and productivity will increase as a result. In relation to the central location, it will also facilitate access to a variety of restaurants, other businesses and green spaces that will serve to clear the air before returning to work. In the case of Gran Via BC, this same space is located on the terrace, on the rooftop of the same building where it is located and which is a privilege for all users who can enjoy it.

Networking: It should be a place that allows conversations with others, with the proper sanitary protocols, without neglecting the connection between other entrepreneurs or business owners. Opportunities are out and about in a centre that encourages doing business with the nearest workspace neighbour.

Finding a space that is safe, flexible and focused on the needs of each user is of vital importance in order to stay safe, healthy and proactive. This is why the option of a business centre is the ideal place to comfortably facilitate collaboration with the work team. It is the perfect combination for anyone looking for an office that gives that extra bit of attention and amenities to all members of any team.


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