The virtual office is strengthened as a business solution in times of pandemic

2 April, 2020

Gran Via Business & Meeting Center is one of the workspaces that has reinforced its remote service so that clients can have the usual facilities.

In times of crisis, there are many consequences that can occur and affect the population on a daily basis. The most recent example of this and one of the most tragic in many years, is the impact that the COVID-19 virus is having, which has already quarantined part of the world population.

For the workspaces sector, the consequences are also beginning to have a great economic impact, accusing the lack of mobility of users to be able to move to these flexible office models. These procedures are redirecting the flows of activities towards telework as a measure to avoid infections, always following the guidelines of the Ministry of Labor and the recommendations that can be found in the guide that has been developed.

With an attendance that has decreased around 95% of the users of workspaces, according to the latest data by one of the main references in Barcelona, ​​Gran Via Business & Meeting Center, meetings between clients and deliveries have been limited in the same way parcel among other aspects, in order to maintain the minimum recommended distance so as not to spread the disease.

In this way, for the vast majority of companies that have opted for teleworking, the virtual office solution has been established as a resource to be able to carry out the day as normally as possible.

A work model that, from centers such as Gran Via Business & Meeting Center, have been reinforcing for some time with the services they offer to their clients. Notably for its usefulness in this context affected by the coronavirus, its offer of virtual offices allows:

Having a postal address in a city such as Barcelona, ​​assigned to the company and being able to have in the same workspace a team that will manage the mail and parcels of the business activity.
A telephone line assigned to your company, to which you can redirect calls and also have a reception and attention service managed by Gran Via BC’s team of multilingual professionals.
The option of domiciling the social, fiscal and / or commercial address of your company or business
Thus, the advantages of a virtual office allow working from any point with personal and own devices but, even from home due to the teleworking model, without losing the professional business image that comes from having a team of professionals facing the public. and to the management of the usual needs of a company.

With these premises, it is possible to verify the effort of Gran Via BC to implement computer solutions so that its users can take advantage of the flexibility of its services and worry as little as possible about the decrease in productivity or their image facing the public.

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