A year of change and dedication

20 December, 2021

It has been a turbulent year with many changes in a variety of areas in everyone’s day-to-day life, but this last month of 2021 makes us reflect on everything that has happened throughout the year; a year in which we have learned to move forward with a more adapted and familiar normality in everyone’s day-to-day life.

A year where many have returned to their workspaces and many other companies have opted for a hybrid modality where they combined teleworking with going to the office on a regular basis.

It is along these lines that we at Gran Via Business & Meeting Center have also evolved our offer of flexible spaces to continue to support all entrepreneurs and companies to continue to achieve their goals. At Gran Via BC we have adapted to change and to a new environment with new additions to our facilities such as the Business Club space: we have made progress in this new normality that is here to stay.

We would like to thank all of you, clients and friends, for the trust you have placed in all of us who form part of the team at this business centre, who are with all of them every day to provide them with the best service and help them to continue to grow and achieve all of their objectives.

For us it is very important and it is a source of pride to grow together, to continue to obtain more achievements, to continue dreaming and forging a path.


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