Best tips to adapt the flex office to post-COVID19 work life

15 June, 2020

Gran Via Business & Meeting Center addresses the main aspects workspaces have to consider in order to work normally after the coronavirus crisis.

The present COVID-19 situation is obviously not the best time for companies to invest in workspaces, whether in-house or office extensions, especially considering today’s employment figures. That’s why companies are seeking new ways to save costs while keeping their capacity in a moment where coronavirus is still present socially. On this basis, the different options of flexible offices turn out to be a viable and efficient alternative that can bring the best solution possible.

A flexible workspacehas many advantages, but as ways to work in team naturally evolve, the different options offered by specialized centers must rise to the occasion. An example of this would be the adaptability to the new normality that these work spaces have to adopt.

The major drawback to currently take into account is the social distance between the users of a space. In order to overcome it, the key is an aspect that has already set the trend for the latest years: the adaptability of the workspaces design along with digitaltransformation and the actions carried by workspaces to implement cutting-edge technologiesinto their facilities.

Regarding technology, centers such as Gran Via Business & Meeting Center can list the key aspects they have been updating for some time now in their flexible offices offer, with something as important as using the most appropriate videoconference channels,which must always be stable and secure. The right location of screens, mics and other  elements in the room will eliminate the gap of missing face-to-face contact. And it is essential that every participant, no matter who or where they are, can listen and participate alike, something that should be considered when adjusting the space.

There are other important aspects getting back to work in a workspace, such as having a good lighting and a good Internet connection. A solid indoor lighting and much natural light help people not only to have more visibility, but also to relax and concentrate in a better environment. A good Internet connection is also very necessary so that communication is perfect, without cuts and never compromised.

Another key aspect to consider when trying to keep your concentration is, of course, the noise. Being unable to listen what is said on the other side of the screen or the telephone is a problem that can generate discomfort when using a space. Fortunately, this can be easily solved implementing a high-quality acoustics especially designed for this kind of environments. A wall with independent acoustics, acoustic tiles or office furniture that absorbs sound are some of the recommendations of Gran Via BC in order to have a full and optimal experience.

Last but not least, after long working days and many video calls, users will often need to sit in an environment other that their usual chair, disconnecting for some minutes in a relaxed environment. Designing a non-traditional work environment that, instead, adopts more domestic and relaxed elements in different areas, is an excellent way to make users feel more relaxed, and therefore comfortable, facing the new normality in the work environment.

Gran Via BC has adapted its workspace to these guidelines, becoming an essential reference in the town of Barcelona, and also a safer place in the short term, while more convenient, pleasant and creative for all of those who are getting back to work.


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